Now being aware of his presence, she devised a trap between two beams of light and snared him .. unable to hide any longer, she confronted him; " I'm not stalking you or after anything " he tried to explain .. " just hanging around in case you needed me " She scoffed and chuckled to herself immediately dismissing him. But before sending him away, she asked his name; "Gunn Guy" he said ".. at your service " and he disappeared into the darkness.
Knowing the gig was up, Gunn Guy no longer hid in the shadows .. The more TC saw him, the nicer he seemed. He'd even been seen playing with one of the Flavor Factory pet's - Shark Berry; it was then she began seeing him in a different light; "not so bad" she thought to herself .. Perhaps our first Creature Romance at the Flavor Factory ?
Artist Seth Meierotto of barkinspider.com has captured Gunn Guy's essence in his rendering and has presented it here for us to share. Proudly support #TEAMYME Team Wears by showing off Gunn Guy in your favorite color and style today.