After careful study of our surveillance tapes, we were able to see her popping in and out; there one frame, gone the next. From spot to spot she'd go, almost as if looking for something specific.
As time went on it appeared that she'd found what she was looking for. During a long afternoon of watching the previous nights footage, we'd found her in the area that we make and store our Red Hot Flavor . Further study revealed that she'd actually been checking our batches of Red Hot individually to ensure that they met her standard for an amazingly sweet - slightly hot - and cinnamony flavor. Indications of her approval or disapproval were clearly left behind as guidance for us to follow. We're sure you'll agree - her taste is truly explosive!
Artist Seth Meierotto of barkinspider.com has captured Fire Cracker's essence in his rendering and has presented it here for us to share. Proudly support #TEAMYME Team Wears by showing off Fire Cracker in your favorite color and style today.