Pumpkin Slice
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Pumpkin Slice has now begun making himself aware - and just before Halloween! With the weird Pumpkin movement and the candy mess left behind, we absolutely knew we had a "New Flavor Creature" on our hands. Now we simply had to catch him...
Legends have it that Stingy Jack was a miserable character that enjoyed playing tricks on his family, his friends, his mom, and even the Devil himself! Because of this pumpkins are now used to ward off Stingy Jack and Evil Spirits he draws every Halloween. So is Pumpkin Slice appearing now before Halloween to ward off Stingy Jack? Or other Evil Spirits? Or, is he here to perpetrate his own mischievous pranks? Guess we will have to wait and see what he does next !
Help us celebrate Pumpkin Slice by enjoying the sweet and spicy taste of Pumpkin Spice Syrup at any of your holiday gatherings.
Artist Seth Meierotto of barkinspider.com has captured Pumpkin Slice's essence in his rendering and has presented it here for us to share. Proudly support #TEAMYME Team Wears by showing off Fire Cracker in your favorite color and style today.